
Meet Buster. He is a 1 year old Shih Tzu and Poodle mix that we adopted from a shelter in Madison, Kansas. He is housebroken, doesn’t shed, rarely barks, and is very sweet and calm. Actually lazy is probably a better word, but he is slowly starting to play a little more as he gets comfortable in his new home.

We had been pet free for a few years after all of our animals grew old and passed away and were waiting for the kids to get old enough to help out with pet responsibilities and also to figure out what would be the perfect pet for our family. Since our last round of pets, we had moved into a new home, got some new furniture and weren’t really excited about going back to some of the disadvantages that can come with having a pet.  So glad we took our time and really considered what
we were looking for in a pet before jumping into anything!  Buster is such a great little guy and was worth the wait!



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