My gymnast

We were in Seattle this past weekend for a gymnastics meet. Marissa is a level 9 gymnast now and it has been a year of lots of hard work and learning. She makes us so proud. The skills are much bigger and more difficult. While she knows she could be doing slightly easier skills and getting more medals she is pushing to do harder things that are not quite perfected yet but will pay off later. I love that she knows it’s not always about the medals at this age and has her sights set on great things for the future. She is truly happy and proud of herself after each meet and knows what she did well and what she wants to work on. That takes a lot of maturity. I don’t know that I have ever done black and white versions of her on her events but I was playing around with it and liked the way it really focused on her. There are so many distractions at gymnastics meets…bright colored leos, bright carpet on the floor, mats, banners and decorations, loud music and cheering. I like the way the black and white takes everything away from a photo and freezes a split second in time.2018-02-22_0001.jpg

This love…

I knew this photo from the other day was sitting on my camera and that I wanted to blog it tonight before going to bed. I love it and how it perfectly captures their relationship and love for each other. I don’t have any personal experience with sibling relationships other than that of a mom but if I did have a sibling, theirs is the relationship I would want. They love each other so fiercly and unconditionally. They are perfectly happy hanging out with each other. They are so proud of each other’s achievements and often brag on one another. Last night Marissa spent the night with a friend and I could tell Chase was missing her a little. She had some flowers she had gotten from her wonderful “gym mom” on the counter and he wanted to help me arrange them in a vase and then he put them in her room for her. It was taking him a while to come back downstairs so I went to check on him and found him writing her a message on her mermaid pillow. Be still my heart. 2018-02-11_0001.jpg

I love my girl! And she loves…

Starbucks! Marissa had a very rare day off from gymnastics practice since her gym is holding a meet this weekend and she doesn’t compete until tomorrow. Since she gets out of school early to normally go to practice and doesn’t have an 8th hour class…we had a little girl time before little brother got off the bus so we did a quick power shopping trip which always involves Starbucks at some point. Today she ordered her long-time favorite, vanilla bean frappuccino and a Butterscotch Latte for mom.

The little things

Someone gave Marissa a gift with the above saying when she was very little. I remember thinking how true that was but I’m not sure I fully got it until I discovered that old blog. Yes, there were photos of BIG vacations, parties, Christmases, etc. but it was the images of the kids blowing bubbles, making crafts, playing dress up and making snow angels that really brought back the most fond memories. Turns out THOSE were the BIG things. They were the things that made up our life.

As the kids have gotten older our life has changed some. Between their school, sports, activities and more obligations and commitments that Chad and I have taken on, sometimes it’s harder to take time for those little things. That old blog has inspired me in that department too though and they will be a top priority again.

Yesterday was a good day for “little things”. I went to School of Economics with Chase and his class to help out. We worked in the “bank” and had a great time! Then when he got home he asked if we could go to Literacy Night at his school. Geez , I was tired from spending the day with over 100 noisy kids (teachers…kudos to you!) and almost came up with an excuse as to why we couldn’t go but I caved and am glad I did because we had a great time there too. Twice that evening Chase put his arm around me and his head on my shoulder and said “Thank you for spending the day with me today mama”. <3 I thought I was just doing little things, but they were SO big. So, one thing I'm going to have to start getting comfortable with again is carrying my camera around with me more (what you don't think about when looking at images of a cute kid in a cart with her doll in the grocery store like the ones in my old blog, is that there was a crazy person with a big camera taking that photo in the middle of the aisle) so it didn't go to School of Economics with me and wouldn't have been practical there anyway really. I do have some cruddy iphone photos for memory's sake but am also posting some other "little thing" photos. Valentine's Day is kind of a "little thing" holiday as far as kids are concerned but I like to make little things into big things with tradition. We hang a Valentine's banner and then I fill each of the kids' little mailboxes with a special treat, note or surprise every day in February. They look forward and I know in their eyes it is BIG and will be a wonderful memory someday. 2018-01-31_0001.jpg

From Book Reviews and Favorite Recipes to Hobbies, Sports and Saving Money. My Favorite Things.