
So last week good ‘ole “Facebook Memories” gave me a wonderful gift. It was a link to a blog post from an old blog I kept when the kids were little. I clicked on it and totally got wrapped up in the whole blog, reading every post and looking at every photograph. This blog was originally created mostly to improve my photography skills and creativity but I thought it would be fun to document our lives too. It wasn’t until now, years later when I have realized just how quickly they have grown that I fully appreciated what I had done. While it definitely was a great exercise for creativity, the memories that came rushing back are absolutely priceless. When I try to just sit back and remember what life was like when my kids were little it’s kind of a blur honestly. But these posts took me back to exact days and helped me remember them like they were yesterday.

It’s funny because I remember getting frustrated trying to find things to photograph daily and feeling like I was failing because it usually ended up being my kids. I even apologized in MY OWN blog a few times for “more photos of my kids”.   So there were some photos of random things around the house that I attempted to shoot in an “artsy” way to prove I really was a creative “artist”. Now I realize that capturing what life was like at that time and turning every day moments into photographs that took my breath away WERE the real art. Sooooo….to make a short story really long, I’m going to start blogging again. Mostly for me, most likely mostly photos of my kids, no apologies, no explanations. I invite any of you who enjoy my photography to follow along but if it’s not your cup of tea…that’s ok too. 😉 I know in a blink of an eye THESE photos will be memories of days that seem so long ago, but also just like yesterday.

I start with Chase this morning. Like most mornings he has wound up in our bed. Someday soon enough he won’t and I know there will be times when I miss it (maybe not getting kicked in the head though). 2018-01-29_0001.jpg

Beyond the Backpack…Staying Organized All School Year

Most kids have been back in school for a week or two now and everyone is getting back into the swing of the “Back To School” routine. If you are anything like me, you start every school year off by saying to yourself “This year I am going to be more organized and STAY that way!”. But as the weeks and months go by, it gets harder and harder to pack those healthy lunches that your kids will actually eat, papers and school work that gets sent home seems to multiply and spread all over the house and you can’t find anything you actually need.

Here are some super simple and easy tips that help make “staying organized” all school year long easier.


Lunches are the big thing that start off great for us…Healthy lunches, complete with cheese and lunch meat cut out in hearts and animal shapes are neatly packed the night before along with a little love note to wish my sweet angels a wonderful day at school. But then something happens and the days get shorter and the amount of things that need accomplished at night gets longer and they turn into whatever is in the fridge or pantry getting thrown into zip loc baggies and tossed in lunch boxes or worse yet, a LUNCHABLE (I despise feeding my kids those things…but they are quick and easy). Oh and the love notes?…well, surely by now they know I want them to have a good day, right? So how do you keep lunches from going downhill? Plan ahead. I found this printable calendar from Organizing Homelife.
I printed it off and placed it in a page protector. I print off the school hot lunch menu and keep it close to the calendar and then each week determine which days I will need to pack cold lunches for. Then when it is time to make my grocery list I plan cold lunches for the days needed and add anything we don’t already have to the grocery list. You can find this calendar here: here

Sometimes deciding what to actually fill lunchboxes with takes the longest. You can find a million blogs and ideas on Pinterest on what to actually pack for lunches so I’m not going to make this another one those, but what I do recommend is take some time to look through those ideas and then write down ideas your kids would like in their lunches. To keep those ideas handy and organized I cut 3X5 index cards in thirds and then wrote Main Dishes, Sides, and Fruit and Veggie ideas on them in different colored ink. They fit nicely into a change divider from a cash box. Next I went and found printable blank notes, inspirational notes, and jokes and printed a bunch of those out in advance and placed them in the divider as well. I know not everyone has extra drawer space, but I felt like it was important to create a “lunch station” and keep all of the containers, lunch boxes, and the newly created and organized “idea and note-holder” in one place so I cleared out a drawer close to the fridge where the lunch menu hangs. This may be the best and simplest organization tip I have. Gone are the days of digging around the tupperware cabinet for that one specific container. Everything is right there…all together…all the time.

And I just had to share one lunch idea that my kids love. These are our version of the pizza lunchables. Mini turkey pepperoni, low-fat shredded moz, and mini flatbread rounds. I also add a small container of pizza sauce and a spoon for spreading and a favorite fruit for a side. Fun and easy!


So you look through your kids’ backpacks and pull out their masterpieces from Art class or an adorable story they wrote. Now what do you do with it? I have a hard time immediately deciding if things are “keepers” or not sometimes so I go through it and toss the obvious junk and then anything I think might even possibly be worth keeping goes into this rubbermaid container.
2015-09-02_0003.jpg Now when you go to buy a container like this, buy SEVERAL. You can find them cheap at Walmart, or sometimes dollar stores.
Every few months I go through the container and decide what is really worth keeping and it is then separated by child and placed into containers with their name and grade on it. I store all of these in a closet in the guest room. 2015-09-02_0004.jpg I’m gonna be honest here…I’m not 100% sure what I will eventually do with everything. Most likely I will take photos of their work and create a book (or several) from a site like Paislee Press (mini masterpieces), or Plum Print. There is also an app you can do this with called Artkive. I’m just not sure how easily I will be able to pitch the actual artwork that they created with their own little hands. 🙂

Backpacks~ This one is not exactly rocket science either. Backpacks seemed to get thrown and left everywhere and I had BIG, crafty ideas (thanks Pinterest) about amazing and cute solutions to this problem. Unfortunately the ideas that I had and the amount of time I had to complete them wasn’t quite equal so they weren’t happening. Maybe someday, but in the meantime I bought some heavy duty 3M hooks that weren’t ugly white plastic and created a backpack home. 😉

If you love any of these ideas, please feel free to share or if you have your own I would love to hear them!

$$ 10 Ways To Keep MORE OF your money!$$

Whether you are rolling in Benjamins or pinching every penny, most of us wouldn’t mind a little more money. When I decided I was ready to stay at home with my kids while building my photography business, we crunched the numbers and knew that we could make it work, but things would be a little tighter. I wanted to make sure we still had some “fun money” to be able to do things together as a family because that is very important to us, so I started looking for ways to cut costs, save and even MAKE a little extra money. They are all easy and some are even fun!

1) STORE SAVINGS PROGRAMS: If you are like me, you automatically say “No thank you!” when you are checking out at a store and they ask if you would “Like to save 10% today by signing up for a blah, blah, blah credit card”, and you should. However, I was doing the same thing for quite a while at Target when they asked if I would like their REDcard Debit Card and that was a mistake. The REDcard acts just like my debit card which is what I would normally use anyway EXCEPT you save 5% off every purchase, get FREE shipping from Target.com and get an extra 30 days to make returns. The only downside for me is that unlike using my regular debit card where my purchases immediately come out of our account, it takes a day or two and sometimes I forget that two days ago I went in for lip balm and walked out with $50 worth of treasures so I am surprised to see that decline in our account. 😉  (Just kidding…I don’t do that.  Often).
If you have a grocery store that has a fuel saver program or other rewards program, take advantage of that too! I love Hyvee’s fuel saver program and save a ton on gas. Obviously the key is to not buy things you don’t need just to score the fuel discounts, and not to spend more on a brand with a fuel saver discount than another brand without it if it’s not worth it, but even when following those rules, I never pay full price at the pump. When gas got REALLY low this spring I paid $6.40 for a FULL tank of gas!

2) SAVING MONEY…THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT!: Actually there are several. Here are a few of my favorites.

HOBBY LOBBY~ If you ever shop at Hobby Lobby you know that the items in the store all take turns being “50% OFF” which is actually just a reasonable price for the item in the first place. If the item is not 50% off, it is A) Way too expensive and B) will probably be 50% off next week. So what’s a girl to do when you really need (ok, usually it’s not need…it’s WANT but we will discuss this later) a huge, fantastic piece to go on a blank wall right now (and let’s pretend it’s not Sunday because that’s when I usually feel like I “need” something from Hobby Lobby) and there is only 1 left and it’s NOT 50% off? You use your Hobby Lobby App. There is always a weekly coupon for 40% off one regular price item that is not on sale! It also shows you what IS on sale for 50% off and other sales and offers.

SHOPKICK~ I’m still kind of new to this one, but basically it’s an app that you can go into before walking into a store and it gives you “kicks” or points for just walking in the doors, scanning certain items with your phone, and sometimes for making purchases (although I haven’t figured this part out yet). You can choose where you would like to receive your reward from and once you get enough kicks you get a gift card from them. You can choose to get small rewards more often, like a Target or Walmart gift card which you only need 500 kicks for however I believe it is a $2 card, or you can save all the way up to 3,400 kicks to get a $10 gas card or up into the 75,000- 125,000 range to get a $300 Coach gift card, T.V., or mixer! The kids think it is fun to earn kicks and when we have a little extra time we turn it into a scavenger hunt looking for the items to scan and letting them scan them.

YOUR BANK’S APP~ This app alone may not actually save or make you money, but being able to check your balance, make deposits, and transfer money anywhere, anytime is always a good idea when trying to stay on budget.2015-07-27_0008.jpg

3) NAME YOUR PRICE FOR CABLE~  Well, not just ANY price, but you know how you were ok with the original price of your cable package when you signed up with your company?  And then at some point it either snuck up to a crazy  amount or jumped up all at once?  That’s the game they play and a lot of people just go with it, but you don’t have to.  When you notice an increase in your cable bill, call your cable company and tell them you aren’t happy with what you are paying for their service anymore.  They will “take a look at your account” and let you know that promotions have expired which is why it has gone up.  Again, let them know that you aren’t interested in paying the amount that it has gone up to.  Next they will see if they can find a way to lower it which will usually start with asking if you want to drop down to a lower package.  Tell them, you aren’t really wanting to do that and that you were happy with the price you were paying for what you were getting previously and if they aren’t able to do that again you will start shopping around to see what kind of rates you can get from someone else.  They will transfer you to another individual who will eventually put your promotions back on.  Set aside a good half hour for this call.  They used to recognize callers who “knew the game” and get them to the end result fairly quickly, but I have found they play “hard to get” now and it takes a little longer…but don’t give in.  You will usually end up getting your monthly bill back down to where it originally was and often even lower in the end.  Your promotions will drop off again at some point and you will have to do this again.  They will usually tell you when that will be and even tell you to call back then to get it back to where you want it.

4)  DO SOME FINANCIAL HOUSEKEEPING~  In this day and age many of our monthly expenses come out of our account automatically.  You just get used to seeing them come out and don’t really think about them.  But are you really still USING them?  Do you have a gym membership, but can’t remember the last time you went to the gym?  Are you paying for XM radio, but could totally live without it?  Take a look at your account and clean out any recurring monthly expenses that you really don’t NEED.  Which leads me to NEEDS vs. WANTS.  I know you learn the difference as a child so this seems obvious, but sometimes after we have lived with a particular WANT for a while, we think of it as a NEED.  When I started staying home,  one of the first things I did was get rid of my fake nails.  Although I had spent months or maybe even years saying “Ugh, I NEED to get my nails done” they were definitely not a need and after getting rid of them, not only did we have that extra money, but I also loved not having to stress about keeping them up and the extra time that I had not having to get them done.  There are probably several regular expenses that are WANTS in your budget.  See how much you can save by cutting several of them and then every once in a while go ahead and pamper yourself and feel good about knowing that you aren’t dipping into the family “fun money” to do it.

5)  STOP EATING OUT~  Ok, so you don’t love cooking or maybe you just aren’t that great at it.  Everyone starts somewhere and cooking a home-cooked meal is not only WAY less expensive than eating out, but it also gives you control of what goes into your meals and what your family is eating.  Plus, the smells and tastes of “mom’s recipes” are  wonderful memory for your children.  I have many of my mom’s recipes that she made regularly and every time I make them it takes me back to my childhood kitchen or dining room table.  I love that my kids are enjoying some of those same recipes.  If you never really learned how to cook and don’t know where to start, there are so many great resources these days.  Pinterest has a ton of great and easy recipes.  Be specific in Google searches to find “healthy 30 minute meals”, “slow cooker recipes” or “easy casserole dishes”.  Get together with a friend and do a “recipe trade” where you go through each others recipes and share your favorites (I would probably also have some wine involved in this get-together).  For a family of 4 I know that what I spend in weekly groceries for 3 meals a day would be blown in about 3-4 meals out at cheap restaurants.  Huge waste of money.

6)  FACEBOOK SWAP PAGES~  Facebook swap pages or garage sale pages are a fantastic way to not only make a little money, but also get rid of some stuff you no longer want.  Whenever I have a WANT come up or the kids really want to go do something like see a movie, I often like to see if I can make the money to pay for it by selling a few things in our “garage sale corner” in the basement…even if we have plenty of money sitting in the account to cover it.  I like to teach the kids that if we want to do or buy certain things, we need to make the money to pay for them first.  If you haven’t tried a facebook swap page, just go into facebook and search the name of your city and “garage sale page” or “swap” and you should find several options to join.  Then start posting photos and information on what you are selling and people will hopefully start buying.  Check to see if there are rules…there usually are.  Sometimes making the pick-up arrangements can be a pain, so I usually don’t bother with things less than $5 but there have been several times I have been able to find something I no longer need and make a quick $20 or more.  These are also a great place to find deals on needs and wants without having to pay full price.

7)  BARTER/TRADE SERVICES~  If you have a profession or even a hobby that provides a service for people, you can most likely find other service providers that would gladly trade their service for yours.  Being a photographer, I have used this with hair and make-up artists who will sometimes provide their services to my clients for their sessions in exchange for their own mini photo session, print credit, etc.  Recently I was just thinking about how I really wanted to get something new done with my hair and stumbled across (on a FACEBOOK SWAP PAGE) a hairdresser who wanted family photos taken and was looking for a photographer to exchange services with so just like that, I have credit towards two hair appointments and won’t have to spend a penny…just some of my time.  I am also thinking of finding another local photographer to trade family photo sessions with because we desperately need new family photos and trying to take them myself doesn’t sound like fun at all.  Bakers, photographers, apparal embroiders, hair and make-up artists…or anyone who provides a service may be willing to barter with you.

 (cake image from pinterest)

8)  CONSIGNMENT “BOUTIQUES”~  Sometimes clothes are a WANT, but let’s face it, they are also a NEED.  Of course it’s ok to go spend money on nice new clothes from time to time, but there are also some great consignment “boutiques” that only except name brand and great condition clothes and you can often find great options to bulk up or refresh your wardrobe without breaking the bank.

9)  SPENDER= FAMILY ACCOUNTANT~  One change we made right away when I started staying home with the kids full time was that I became what my husband likes to jokingly refer to as “his accountant”.  When people ask him about doing, buying or donating something you will often hear him say “Let me check with my accountant”…(me).  Although my photography business has really taken off in the last few years, he is still the main breadwinner in our family.  I, however am the one who does 95% of the spending.  I am the one who grocery shops, takes the kids for haircuts, does the back-to-school shopping, birthday and holiday gift shopping, clothes shopping, etc.  Whoever does the majority of the spending should also be in charge of paying the bills and taking care of the family budget.  Before I stayed home, he was paying the bills and I was doing the spending and that didn’t work.  There were times he had large bills scheduled to be paid but they hadn’t come out of our account yet so I would check our balance and think we were good to go and buy the kids new clothes or spend money on something else not realizing that money was already accounted for.  I now know what bills come out of what paychecks, and when the best times usually are to take care of those extra expenses that always pop up.  If I know an activity or event is coming up that we will be spending a lot of money at, I might pay some bills early so that we have extra money when that event comes.

10)  SAVE FOR LARGE EXPENSES~  We used to kind of have the attitude that we would deal with big expenses as they popped up.  This often meant putting them on a credit card and then trying to pay them off with interest.  Now I am big into not owing anyone money.  There are several large expenses that we can plan for well in advance so now when my husband gets a bonus at work, my business has an extra good month, or maybe we sell some things on a Facebook page, instead of going out and blowing it on something, we put it away towards those expenses.  Once we know we have all of them covered we can officially consider extra money “extra”.  Another way to save money for these expenses is by doing a “52 week money challenge” which you can find here.  I tried this last year and did well for a while but didn’t like how the amount increased as time went by or that December was going to be the month I needed to set aside the most money (Christmas time is not a great time to try to find extra cash).  Also, I pretty much NEVER use cash so not only was it a pain to try to put the right amount into the jar, but also if something came up where one of my kids was going somewhere and needed cash, it was way too tempting to just grab some from the jar.  You can find a better version (in my opinion) of the savings plan here.  If I were to do it again I would probably try it this way and keep the money in our savings account so that I could just transfer the amount over from our regular checking account each week.  I would still keep track of it on paper as a reminder to do it each week and of how much money was a result from the challenge (and because I’m an OCD list keeper).

I would love to hear from you!  Leave a comment and let me know which tip(s) you are most excited to try, or come back after you try them and let me know how much you are saving!  Or if you have your own great money-saving tips…share those too!  Happy Saving from Happy Accidents!

Photographer text scam

This isn’t the post I had planned, but after receiving my second one of these today I thought it was something I should share now. From what I have read these scams are becoming fairly common. They are targeted at photographers in the form of text message.  I have googled the subject and have found that many photographers have received a similar text and the warning signs seem to be the same every time. Although I doubt most people would fall for the actual scam, they waste a lot of time leading up to the point where you know they are scamming you so I thought I would post some warning signs to look for and hopefully avoid them wasting a lot of your time.
Warning sign number one:  Out of area phone number.  As with most of the warning signs this alone is not usually cause for concern.  I often have clients contact me who are in the military and stationed elsewhere, live far away but are coming to the area to stay with family and want family photos, or have just moved here and do not have a local phone number yet.  This is one thing both of my scammers had in common though so add it together with any of the other warning signs or just a funny feeling that something isn’t right and it may be a warning sign.
Warning sign number two:  Broken English or grammar mistakes.  Again this warning sign is not cause for concern by itself, but is something else most scammers have in common.

Warning sign number three:  Communication by text only.  Most clients initially contact me either by email or phone call. In both of these situations I was contacted initially by text and never contacted in any other way.

Warning sign number four:  unusual events.  The first event I was contacted about was a birthday party for a teenage girl with five hours of coverage.  The second time it happened was for a family reunion one day followed by a wedding the next day (because real people would really attempt to do that).  From the research I have done family reunions seem to be a popular choice.

Warning sign number five: unusual priorities.  Upon initial contact most clients have questions about availability, pricing, and packages. In both of these instances from the first time I was contacted the main concern was whether or not I accept a credit card payment.

Warning sign number six: the actual scam. I only got that far the first time. I never let the second scammer take it this far,  but here’s what happened:  I told them I did accept credit cards, gave them a price quote that they agreed on and even got an invoice sent out.  They then told me they were having trouble getting the payment to work through my invoice.  I told them I could send a paypal invoice but they said weren’t comfortable using PayPal because the last time it “messed up their credit card”.  I said I would look into my invoice program to see if there was a problem and will try to send another one and they said that would work but there was another problem.  The limo company that was hired to drive his daughter and her friends around at the party could not take Credit cards at this time, so I would need to pay them and then add the cost into the client’s invoice.  Sure, I’ll get right on that.  Once I was sure the second scammer was also a scammer, I told them I would need the deposit in cash To which they replied “I will be paying with credit card” and then I replied “you will be paying in cash”.  They then were unsure when they could meet, etc. etc. and after me becoming extremely irritating intentionally, they finally said they now could not afford it. I may or may not have entered them into my complimentary “Cat fun facts” hourly text program.

I borrowed it from here


From Book Reviews and Favorite Recipes to Hobbies, Sports and Saving Money. My Favorite Things.