Tag Archives: prayer

Why Pray For Others? A Jesus Whisper of God’s Love

A while back a Facebook friend of mine made a post that got me thinking and resulted in a “Jesus Whisper” that I wanted to share. She was at home going about her day and a loved one was having a minor, routine procedure done. Suddenly she felt a stong desire and need to pray for that loved one. Later she found out that they were having trouble coming out of anesthesia and stopped breathing for a moment. Like most Christians, there are many questions that I have had or things that are difficult to understand when it comes to my relationship with the Father, one of them being praying for others in moments of illness, distress, sorrow, etc. The struggle I have had with this is picturing someone in the hospital or getting a scary diagnosis and family members asking for prayer, which I always stop what I am doing and act on, in hopes that God will heal them. In truth, I suppose I pictured the Almighty Father sitting in a corner with his arms crossed stubbornly while one of His children is sick or dying and having the power to heal them but refusing and saying “not until you ask nicely”. If God loves us so much, why do we have to ask for these thing? Why pray? If he is so Almighty and powerful, why doesn’t he just do them? While amazed by this story and the BIG and obvious “Jesus Whisper” this friend had, it got me thinking about these questions again.

The Jesus Whisper

…And then in a “Jesus Whisper” the answer came, complete with an example. We have been given free will. We don’t HAVE to be Christians or have a relationship with the Father, but He hopes we choose to seek and find Him. He hopes we NEED him and learn to give our worries and cares to Him. Imagine you are estranged from your Mother. Something happened at some point in your life, or maybe you never knew her at all. You don’t have a relationship with her and are fine with that. But then something happens and maybe you are sick and in the hospital, or maybe you are in a bad financial situation. You wonder why your mother doesn’t jump in to help. Or maybe it’s your birthday. Why didn’t you get a card or cake from her? You don’t have a relationship with your mother. You haven’t wanted or needed her in your life. How would she know that you needed or wanted her help now? Why would she think you wanted a card from her. God wants us to rely on Him and need Him. He wants us to see that He will take on our burdens and ask Him to do that and believe that He will be there for us regardless of what comes our way and has already seen what tomorrow will bring.

This is why it’s important to, like a beloved family member, make God a part of your everyday life. Have a relationship with Him. Pray in times of joy and sorrow. Praise Him. Listen to worship songs. Read your Bible and seek how it pertains to you.

Why Pray?…Love Each Other

But that’s not the only reason He wants us to pray for others. He wants us to not only love Him, but to love each other. Praying for someone you love, an acquaintance, or even a stranger is one of the ultimate ways to show Him this love. So pray for someone today. And listen for “Jesus Whispers”.

If you have wanted to read or study the Bible but have trouble staying with it,

following it or seeing how what you read pertains to your life, I highly recommend these study guides: https://www.amazon.com/Bible-Study-Zach-Windahl/dp/0998491004

Read more of my “Jesus Whispers” and journaling, here: https://happyaccidents.heathernealphotography.com/category/journal/