Fighting Fat (literally)


On this day of New Years’ Resolutions and with many of them being fitness related, I thought it was a good time to share this post.

Before Chad and I got married and the first year or so of marriage, we were fortunate enough to enjoy traveling a little. We decided for our 10 year wedding Anniversary we would take a trip to Hawaii. Of course these newlywed versions of ourselves had no idea we would have two busy (and expensive) children and would have just bought a new home the year prior to this deadline. But life was good, so when our Anniversary came and we spent the evening at our daughter, Marissa’s 3rd grade program instead of on the beach, neither of us mentioned Hawaii. Although we both admitted later it had crossed our minds.

Two weeks later Chad calls on the way home from a meeting and asks what we are doing the second week of April. It’s October mind you. I am already slightly frustrated because he was running later than expected coming home from the meeting and I had dinner on the stove and now was going to have to leave in the middle of cooking it to pick up Marissa from gymnastics. “Are you serious?” I replied followed by “How in the heck am I supposed to know?”. That’s when he said “Ok, well we are going to Hawaii”. WHAT? He won a trip to Hawaii at his meeting just two weeks after our “Hawaii Anniversary” that we thought wasn’t going to happen. God is so good. But I was no where near ready to spend that much time in a swim suit. That is where the fitness part comes in.

The beginning of October my wonderful friend convinced me to try a workout at 9 Round Kickboxing. It hurt to move for a few days after this trial workout, but I was really excited about what a great total body workout I was able to get in just 30 minutes and knew that if I was going to invest time and money into working out, this was where I wanted to do it. I had kind of put it on my “someday” list but now with the trip to Hawaii and my 40th birthday approaching (I had already decided I was going to make 40 Fabulous), I knew NOW was the time. I told Chad all I wanted for my birthday was a 9 Round membership and I got started. It was hard at first but most things worth doing are. It’s only been a month and a half though and I have made my goal of going every weekday morning. Two days ago I went jeans shopping because none of mine fit and I am now back into my pre-kiddo size! I have a six pack and I feel GREAT! One of the coolest “Happy Accidents” is that I am being a healthy role model for my kids. I wanted to stay on track this week even though they were out of school so after dropping Marissa off at gymnastics practice (she is actually MY fitness role model) I took Chase with me to workout. He sat in a chair with his tablet or DS to keep him busy and happy but most of the time when I looked at him he was staring with his mouth hanging open, shocked to see his mama kicking booty. He drew this picture of me with my boxing gloves on and a speedbag. The heart with his name is of course my favorite color. <3 It proudly hangs on my fridge and is the best motivation I could ask for. If you are wanting to find a new workout this year and get in shape, I would love for you to come with me sometime for your free trial. It's only 30 minutes so time is no excuse, there is always a trainer there, there are no workout times so you go when it's convenient for YOU, and the workout is always different so you never get bored and it keeps your body guessing. Happy New Year! 2015-01-01_0004.jpg

Pre-lit trees are not the enemy

So yeah, I moved the blog again, so if you managed to find it WELCOME! I think it is finally in it’s permanent home so feel free to subscribe so you don’t miss anything.

I thought a Holiday post would be a good start and I learned a little about pre-lit trees this year that saved me lots of time and lots of money so I thought I would share. Ever since we moved into this house with it’s crazy tall ceilings in the entryway, I knew I wanted a BIG tree. Guess what? They cost BIG bucks. So when I found a 12′ tree for $75 on Craigslist this summer I jumped on it. The seller said she thought it had one strand of lights out the previous year but it wasn’t noticeable. Well, if that was true than it didn’t enjoy being moved around when I brought it home because there were several strands out when I put it up. This was always one of my fears. What do you do? Do you go through EVERY bulb trying to find any bad ones and hoping the whole strand will then light? And what if that doesn’t work? Cut them all off and end up buying strings of lights anyway? NO!

First of all, did you know that if you need extra replacement bulbs for your tree you don’t have to go out and find the exact kind your tree has so that they fit? I’m actually guessing most people do know this, but I didn’t so maybe there are a few others out there. You just buy the glass bulb and then replace it into the green housing after removing the bad glass bulb.
Next you go out and buy this: 2014-12-04_0016.jpgIt’s called the Lightkeeper-Pro and you can get it at Ace hardware or Home Depot (and I would imagine Lowes). IT. IS. AMAZING. It removes bulbs without breaking all of your fingernails. It tests bulbs and fuses. And my favorite part…it REPAIRS strands that are completely out! You just remove any random bulb from the section that isn’t working, plug the empty bulb socket into the Lightkeeper and click the trigger a few times until the section lights up! Then replace the bulb and any burnt out bulbs. I fixed the entire tree in just a short amount of time! Here is the end result although I can’t seem to get a photo that does it justice. It’s sooo pretty.
Another great indoor lighting tip: get a remote with multiple outlets. We got one remote that came with 3 outlets and have our lighted garland (that is on a ledge that can’t be reached) plugged into one and our trees plugged into the other two. It’s so much fun to use the remote to turn everything on and off that I fight the kids over whos turn it is. 😉
Also, If anyone is in the market for a 6.5′ pre-lit tree, we purchased this one not realizing we would be moving to a house with really tall ceilings 6 months later so now we need to replace it with a bigger one. We will most likely be selling it after this Christmas. All lights work (and if they don’t, now you know how to repair them). 🙂

From Book Reviews and Favorite Recipes to Hobbies, Sports and Saving Money. My Favorite Things.