Eating Healthy and Happy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

**This blog contains affiliate links and I may be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

If you follow me on social media at all, you most likely know that I recently lost 40 pounds on the program Noom. I truly believe in the program so much for so many reasons and believe that it can drastically change ANYONE’S life. That is why I have partnered with them and left my comfort zone to share my story and knowledge in hopes that it will encourage others who want to lose weight or just make healthier eating choices to do so.

The Coronavirus pandemic has greatly affected everyone in some way, shape or form. Events have been canceled, schools are closing, and grocery stores are running out of many items. Whether you just started your healthy eating journey (Noom or otherwise) or you are a seasoned pro, you likely have noticed some new challenges. I am a member of a Facebook support group for people doing Noom and yesterday I saw a post by a member who said “I just don’t think I can stick with this, the shelves at the grocery stores are empty and it’s too hard”. That inspired me to write this post because there ARE unique challenges to healthy eating during all of this craziness. Frankly there are unique challenges to shopping and eating in general though so you might as well keep doing it in a healthy way.

My teenage daughter will love the use of these throwback photos, right?!

Grocery Shopping

  • BE FLEXIBLE Yes, the stores seem to be out of or very low on new things every day. Work with what they have. Produce does not have a long shelf life and therefore is not something people are drastically hoarding. People ARE shopping more often and buying a little more so you may not see some of your “go-to” fruits and veggies on the shelves. This is a great time to try some new things and think outside the box. Never had eggplant? Look up an eggplant parmesan recipe. Instead of being set in stone on your grocery list, see what the store DOES have and plan your meals around that.
  • THINK LONG-TERM Frozen foods and canned goods go quickly but honestly many of the carts I have seen jam-packed full aren’t exactly overflowing with healthy options. Lots of pizzas, ice cream and frozen appetizers and snacks. Yes, a lot of the common frozen and canned veggies are flying off the shelves but you can still find them. While I don’t encourage hoarding anything, buying an extra bag or two of frozen or canned veggies will provide some easy, healthy sides for meals. Frozen fruit is great to keep on hand to add to almond milk and greek yogurt to make a smoothie for breakfast, lunch or just a snack.
  • GO EARLY Our community has been great about updating on our local Facebook community page regarding the availability of heavily sought after items and it appears that most stores are doing a great job of restocking daily and seem to have those hard to find items early in the day.

Mindful Eating

With so many cancellations and closings you are most likely spending more long days at home. This can lead to mindless eating and eating out of boredom. Plan ahead for long days at home.

  • BREAKFAST Some say it’s the most important meal of the day, but I personally am not that hungry when I first get up. As long as I have my black coffee, I’m happy. I do try to eat a low calorie breakfast on most days because it sets the pace for the day and keeps me from feeling starved by lunchtime and overeating. I also like to know that I haven’t used up half a days worth of calories first thing and whatever the rest of the day throws at me, I can enjoy whether it be an impromptu meal out or a craving for an extra or special snack. If you enjoy a big breakfast and find yourself with the luxury of being able to sleep in due to canceled events, etc. maybe eat a little later and instead of breakfast and lunch, make a large brunch!
  • SNACK SMART Being at home can lead to the urge to snack. The more healthy and easy choices available, the easier it is to make good choices. Whether it’s a healthy choice like grapes, or a splurge like chips or crackers, one way to enjoy what feels like carefree snacking is to make some “pre-measured” snack baggies. I like to make 100 calorie baggies of grapes or “serving size” baggies of snack crackers handy for grab and go snacks that prevent overindulging. There are lots of store-bought snack options that are great to keep on hand too. Pre-packaged 100 calorie snacks and things like “no sugar added” applesauce (only 40 calories!) have a long shelf life and are easy to grab from the pantry when the urge to snack strikes.


Spending more time at home means eating more meals at home. There are ways to do this without having to double the amount of groceries you buyg though.

  • MAKE YOUR MEALS STRETCH When planning your meals for the week, think about some dishes you make that always provide leftovers. Leftovers are great for heating up for lunch or maybe adding to another dish to make another dinner. Consider doubling a recipe to make enough to freeze and pull out for a quick and easy meal later.
  • TAKE INVENTORY Go through your pantry, freezer and fridge. What items do you have in there that you can use to create meals from? Using up things you already have keeps your cost and need to go out for more groceries down. There are even several websites like where you can type in ingredients that you have on hand and it will provide you with recipes to make from them.


If there is one thing that all of this craziness has actually provided most of us with MORE of, it is time. With two kiddos in three sports we typically have at least 2-3 sport events every weekend and practices every evening and are finding ourselves with extra time. That is good news for Exercise! While you may be stuck at home with kiddos and it can be easy to hang out on Netflix in your pajamas all day (and if you never get to do that…you absolutely should at least once) but you can also get out for a walk or jog. Play “Just Dance” or shoot some hoops in the drive with the kids. Do some exercises in the comfort of your own home. If you are able to leave, go to the gym. I’m a member of Planet Fitness and have debated how I feel about going to a place where multiple people have touched everything, however if you think about it, it’s the one place where everything gets wiped down after every use! (Hopefully…although it may be a good idea to wipe down before and after just to be sure).

Before Noom
After Noom!!!


Now is actually the perfect time to take charge of your weight, diet and health. I truly believe Noom is the best way to do that. It not only will help you lose weight but re-learn how to eat in a way that is healthy but doesn’t deprive you from the things you love or enjoying celebrations with friends and family so it’s something you can do realistically for life! You can click on my affiliate link below to see YOUR plan and try it risk free for two weeks (and most likely at least lose 5 pounds in that two weeks). You will do things like track your weight and log your meals so there is a bit of a new routine to figure out which makes the extra time you probably have right now the PERFECT time to get started!

Travel tips for the competitive gymnast

If you are the parent of a competitive gymnast, one of the perks and sometimes hardships of this crazy journey you are on is traveling to distant locations for meets. This means reserving hotels, rental cars, airline tickets, and all of the other tasks that come with a relaxing vacation…without the relaxing vacation. If you are new to this world, it can be a little overwhelming but after a few years most parents have it down to a fine art. Even so, there are always new tips and tricks to help make the process a little less stressful and maybe even save a few dollars.

The Hotel

The moment you and your gymnast have been waiting for is finally here. The Meet Schedule is out! Whether the news of where your travels will take you is exciting or a little disappointing, your planning can now officially begin. The actual schedule for each meet will not be available until sometime after the registration deadline so there are some things (like booking flights) that you may not be able to do until then but securing a hotel is something you can do right away. But how do you choose? The meets will partner up with one or sometimes a few “host hotels” which offer a block of rooms at a “group rate”. These hotels may seem like an obvious choice, but along with the “pros” there may be some “cons” to consider. Here is a list of tips to take into consideration when choosing a hotel:

  • Location– The host hotels selected are generally either close to the meet site or the route between them is easy to navigate, however there will most likely be other options in the same area.
  • Full of gymnasts– It can be a fun atmosphere to stay in a hotel with other gymnasts and maybe even make some new friends and the host hotels will be packed full of gymnasts. This is especially fun for the younger girls and lower levels who are just starting to travel however this can also mean a lot of noise in the halls and gymnasts jumping and tumbling in the room above you. If your gymnast is older or it’s important to you and to them to get their rest and stay focused, this may be a negative thing.
  • The group rate of a host hotel offers a cheaper rate than they offer to individual guests staying there at the same time, BUT do your research. Do they offer a free breakfast? Parking? Are there other hotels nearby who’s regular rates are cheaper than the host hotel’s group rate or about the same but offer more free amenities? For us, the free breakfast is at the top of our list, not only to save some money (hotel restaurant breakfasts are usually SUPER expensive and sometimes don’t have healthy or kid friendly choices) but because of the speed and convenience. If your gymnast is competing at 9 am it’s a huge blessing to be able to run down and grab some fruit, yogurt and eggs and be on your way!
  • Rewards! There are most likely going to be lots of trips (and hotels) in your future so it’s a great idea to join a hotel chain’s rewards program. You receive points every time you stay with that chain which can add up to credit towards your future stays and sometimes also extra perks like snacks and goodies in your room. These points can take a while to add up so it’s best to find the hotels you generally like best or are always happy with and try and stick with that one chain when possible to get the most rewards points.
  • Space. Although your stay will probably not be an especially long one and you most likely won’t be spending a ton of the time in your room, the amount of space is still something to consider. If your gymnast competes early in the morning everyone will need to get to bed early, however you may want your athlete to get to bed earlier than everyone else. When in a small room together it’s extremely difficult for just one person to hit the sack while others are still awake. Choosing an “all suite” hotel or one that includes a separate “living area” is a great choice in this situation. Having a kitchenette is also a great way to be able to save some money and have healthier snack or lunch choices because you can hit the local grocery store instead of eating out every meal!
  • The Dates. You most likely will not know the exact dates of your stay until the actual schedule for the meet you are attending comes out. Especially if your gym expects you to be at practice at home right up until your meet date. Most hotels offer free reservation changes/cancellation right up until a day or two prior to your stay though. Once you have chosen your hotel, first check on their cancellation policy to be sure. Then book your room keeping in mind both the earliest and latest competition scenarios AND travel time (If there is a chance you could be competing at 8 a.m. on Friday you will need a Thursday check in date). I am a bit old school when it comes to my reservations and print everything out and keep it in files so that once I know exactly how long our stay will actually be I can call and cancel any extra days I have reserved. Do NOT forget to do this though or you may be charged for days you don’t need.
  • Share a room. Sometimes not everyone in your family can attend every meet. Siblings have their own sport or other events and sometimes it’s just too expensive to bring the whole family. If you are a mom traveling with your gymnast and there are other mom/gymnast friends who will also be traveling alone consider splitting a room and rental car to reduce your expenses.

The Flight

Once you know your competition time and travel dates it’s time to book your flights. Obviously price and times are always major decisions when booking flights regardless the reason for travel. When booking for gymnastics meets we also look at:

  • Rewards! Again, you are going to be traveling a lot so just like with booking hotels, rewards programs should be a consideration when booking your flights. Even if you only use it for your travel needs, a Southwest Credit Card is a great idea! Put all of your hotel and flight expenses on it and earn points towards a future trip!
  • Seating Chances are there will be other teammates on your flight and if that is the case your gymnast would most likely rather sit with them than you. Choosing an airline without assigned seating can be good in this situation because you can let the kiddos sit together and still keep parents close by to hand over snacks and for peace of mind.
  • Cancellation or flight change policy. Things happen. Especially in gymnastics. Unfortunately the possibility of an injury, illness, or emergency is always there. It’s important to keep an airlines cancellation policy in mind.
  • Direct flight availability. Unfortunately competition season is winter which means bad weather and flight delays are always possible. Although this can still happen with a direct flight, avoiding layovers whenever possible can reduce the anxiety of a delayed flight making you rushed for or worse yet missing the second leg of a flight.
  • Airport options. Sometimes the closest airport to the meet you are traveling to isn’t the best option or sometimes the meet is located between several airports. When shopping for flights don’t forget to check multiple airports that are within driving distance of your final destination. Sometimes it’s cheaper or there are better options if you fly into and airport an hour or two away and drive the rest of the way.

The Rental Car

Once you have your flight times, you can reserve your rental. Whether you are sharing a room with friends or just staying in the same hotel, this is something you can double up on and save a little cash. If you are a Costco member, definitely check out their website (click on travel). They often offer the cheapest rates and they also allow you to add a second driver for free which is great if you are sharing a ride!


First of all, don’t stress about packing. As long as you’ve got the competition leo, warm-ups, and grips you have everything you really need. BUT there are a few things to make your trip go a little more smoothly. Of course if you travel anywhere with a child or teen don’t forget the essentials; snacks, and electronics. Entertainment and healthy snacks are important for happy travelers. I also purchased a few things from the “dollar” section at Target that I bring along to every meet. My favorite is the dashboard cellphone holder. Remember, you are going to be in cities you have never been to before and navigating between the hotel and meet sites, to restaurants and maybe a few tourist attractions. Google Maps is my best friend when traveling and having my phone easily viewed on the dash of our rental car is incredibly helpful! The other is a cheapy usb tower. We travel with A LOT of electronics and have found some hotels just don’t have enough outlets. This tower allows everyone to get all of their essential electronics charged and ready to video those amazing routines or check scores. Also, Starbucks gift cards are a great idea to give to your gymnast in the weeks and months leading up to and during meet season (Christmas, Valentine’s Day, birthdays, etc.). Starbucks is a must at the airport so plan in advance and be sure they get packed!

Pack light. We learned to fit everything into a carry-on to avoid checking and claiming luggage and fees. This saves so much time and money!

Have Fun!!

This is the most important tip by far. Take time to appreciate traveling to places you may have never gone before. Try and take some time to see all that your destination has to offer. Gymnasts work so hard and sacrifice so much to train for their sport and make their dreams come true. They deserve a little fun for sure!

After The Photo Session…What to do with your digital photograpy images.

 **This blog contains affiliate links and I may be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. 

You found the perfect photographer. Picked a date for your session. Changed the date for your session because you realized someone had a baseball/volleyball/soccer game that day. Ran all over place finding the perfect outfits for everyone. Got haircuts. You arrive at your session excited to get some great new photos of your family. You survive repeatedly herding that one child that keeps wandering off and pleading with the other one to “JUST SMILE PLEASE”!

You receive your gallery and are pleasantly surprised to see that your wonderful photographer somehow worked a miracle and captured a lot of great images. You look at your gallery several times, show your family, your friends, post some on social media and enjoy reading all of the “great photo!” comments. And then….nothing.

Today, most clients prefer receiving digital images with printing rights from their photographer rather than purchasing prints. The benefits of receiving digital images include being able to order what you want, when you want and at what price point works best for you. If something comes up and you need a photo printed quickly for a gift or party, you can upload it to a 1 hour lab (Walmart, Costco, Walgreens). If it’s quality you want, many pro photo labs have public versions available online for anyone to use (Mpix) but without the pressure of making a decision right away. So what’s the catch? Not having to make a decision right away means- not making a decision right away….or for weeks, months, or sometimes ever! Time slips away and the images still sit on the flash drive or computer and suddenly those “updated” photos you wanted aren’t so updated anymore. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your digital images and enjoy them for years to come!

Make a list

Prior to your session, walk around your house. Look at the frames you have and decide if there are some that need fresh, updated photos. Write down both the size of the photos needed for the frames and whether they are vertical or horizontal layout. The layout is something people often don’t think about but it’s important to determine this and then let your photographer know if you have a certain layout need before or at the beginning of the session. Photographers usually decide this in the moment and you will often get more of one layout than another so for instance if you have a frame that you want to fill with vertical photos, tell your photographer you will need a good selection of that layout to choose from.

Look for blank spaces on walls. Maybe you need a canvas to fill a bare spot or for over the fireplace. Canvases are one of my favorite ways to display images around my home. They look great alone, combined with other canvases or other wall decor. I used to include canvases in my products available for my clients to purchase, however the cost of them from my professional lab was out of the price range that some of them wanted to stay in. For my personal use, I had been using a company called Canvas On Demand. Their canvases are extremely affordable and great quality. I have many that are several years old and still look beautiful! I now recommend my clients get more bang for their buck and order their own canvases from them!

Decide where you will order your prints from

Now that you have a list of your printing needs, it’s a smart idea to think about where you will be purchasing your prints. This may be multiple places depending on your needs. For instance, if you are ordering some large portraits and frame fillers to display around your home, or gifts for others, the quality may be the most important factor to you. Your photographer will most likely have a professional lab that they work with and that you can order from. These prints will usually be the most accurate as far as color and often have protective and/or UV coating so that they will stay beautiful for years to come. If you are wanting a canvas you may want to order that separately from Canvas On Demand (link above) or another company.

Many of my High School Senior Portrait clients like to have a bunch of wallets to hand out and trade at their graduation parties. It can get pricey to order the amount needed and usually the absolute best quality isn’t a priority in this situation so they often use a cheaper local lab that can deliver quickly (this sometimes gets forgotten about until the last minute so speed is definitely a bonus). There are many local options that offer quick turn-around or even 1 hour printing including Target, Walmart, Costco, Walgreens, CVS and more. The quality and color using these labs can vary but for small prints and wallets where time and cost is the priority this can often be the best option.

Think Gifts!

Prints, canvases and other photo products make the BEST gifts! Think about holidays and birthdays coming up and who might love a print or canvas from your recent photo session. Grandparents LOVE family portraits or senior photos. Maybe order an image on a coffee mug or make a blanket or calendar using images from your session. There are several online companies that offer a huge variety of photo gifts.

Treat yourself

If you don’t know exactly what you want to do with your images or if you just aren’t ready to order everything right away, it is still a good idea to do SOMETHING with your images as soon as your gallery is delivered to you. Companies like Shutterfly offer several products that you can personalize using your images. You will be most excited about your images while they are still new so now is the time to show them off. Order yourself a calendar for work, a phone case or a photo book! The possibilities are almost endless. No matter how you decide to enjoy your images, timing is key. Hopefully you now have the tips and advice needed to prevent your cherished photos from sitting on your computer or flash drive and instead enjoy them for years to come.

Should we do a “First Look” at our wedding?

**This blog contains affiliate links and I may be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

As a Wedding Photographer I am so honored to not only be a part of a bride and groom’s big day, but also part of the planning leading up to it. I am often one of the first vendors they meet with. Once they reach out to me about possibly being their wedding photographer, I schedule a consultation right away so that we can get to know each other, I can find out more about them and their plans, and they can find out more about me and how I work.

Most of them are getting married for the first time and I often bring up questions about decisions they haven’t made yet. One of the biggest decisions is often whether or not to do a “First Look”.

The reason I bring up this decision is because whether you see each other for the first time as the bride comes down the alter, or you do a First Look will determine how much time you have for photographs and when you have that time. When I got married 15 years ago First Looks were just becoming a thing and it was our photographer who brought it up and we decided it was the best choice for us. Weren’t we cute?

We knew after the ceremony was over we would be excited to start celebrating with our friends and family and wanted to have as many of our photos as possible done prior to then. It wasn’t something that was done often yet though and I have to admit I was a little worried to miss the traditional moment where we saw each other for the first time as I came down the aisle. However, I think we were both pleasantly surprised at some of the benefits other than “time” that came with doing a First Look. What makes a wedding perfect is different for every couple though so here are some of the advantages to both to help you decide what fits best into your Big Day!

First Look

I will start with the First Look list because I consider myself a bit of an expert with them since I have experienced them both as a Photographer and a Bride. Here are my “Pro First Look” arguments.

  • Less photo time after the ceromony (More party time!). Because the bride and groom see each other before the ceremony, you can also knock out as many of the photos as time allows including entire wedding party together and if desired Bride and Groom Portraits (although I still always take some of these afterwards to so they have some as “official” husband and wife). This means that you can get to the reception faster and start having fun!
  • A more intimate moment. That first moment you and your future spouse see each other on your wedding day is going to be amazing now matter what. Those who choose to do a first look though get to share that moment with each other without a couple hundred people watching. I remember that moment so clearly from our wedding. I was walked down to where my (future) husband was standing- his back facing me. Once I was behind him and the photographer snapped a couple of photos they had him turn around and instead of being all the way down the aisle, we were right in front of each other. I remember hearing him gasp! We then had time to talk and tell each other how great we looked…something you can’t exactly do in the ceremony.
  • Less pre-ceremony stress. Once the first look is over, you can enjoy photos together. I remember really enjoying this time and getting to spend a little extra time with my fiance’ on our special day instead of hiding up somewhere so we didn’t accidentally see each other.

A word of advice…

First Looks can be a very special moment between a couple. They can also be awkward if you don’t think about the moment and plan how you want it to go in advance. Remember, you won’t be totally alone. The photographer and videographer will be in the general area too. Try and forget about them and plan on having a genuine moment together and just let them capture it. Take each other in. Ask each other questions like “Are you ready?”, “nervous?”, “excited?”. I have had couples who see each other, then look for me and thinking they need to be smiling at the camera or sometimes flat out saying “what do we do now?”. If you have gifts for each other you could even exchange them during the first look.

At The Aisle

  • Tradition. Let’s face it. Most of us have been picturing this day since we were very young. Between watching weddings in the movies and attending them in person we most likely imagine that moment where we lock eyes with our future spouse for the first time on our wedding day at the end of the aisle. If that’s the moment you have always dreamed of, that’s your answer.
  • You can get ready later. While most see getting photos done prior to the ceremony as a benefit, the more time you need pre-ceremony for photos means the earlier you have to be ready. If your ceremony is fairly early in the afternoon that might mean getting a very early start to your day. Also, it can mean more time for hair and make-up to get messy and need touch ups.
  • Less chance of crying pre-ceremony. For some couples, the first look can be really emotional and there might be tears. I had one couple that planned on it but then the bride decided she would cry and ruin her make-up and decided to wait until the aisle last minute. Just don’t forget about that moment that daddy’s see their daughter for the first time because there usually isn’t a dry eye in the house during that moment (including the photographer…do you know how hard it is to focus the camera through tears?).

A word of advice…

If you decide not to do a First Look, you will still have plenty of time to get your photos in. Hopefully your photographer will provide you with a timeline and “must-have” shot list so you can plan out when everything will take place (if not you can find one online). Also, remember that the first time your fiance’ will be laying eyes on you, you will be on opposite ends of the aisle. This makes it tricky (actually pretty much impossible) for the photographer to get both of your reactions at that exact moment. It is worthwhile to consider a second shooter if your photographer offers that option to make sure you have great shots of both the bride and the groom.

No matter what you do, that first moment that you lay eyes on your husband or wife will be one to remember. Hopefully taking these points into consideration will help you decide which best fits into your special day.

I am a wedding and portrait photographer in Kansas City. Check out my Professional Website for more of my work at:

Great Photography Locations In and Around Kansas City

Kansas City Photographers and photography clients alike may not realize just how blessed they are to have such an awesome variety of locations and settings to choose from for their sessions. Whether you are looking for an urban backdrop with alleys, graffiti, and cool doorways or rolling pastures, and old barns you can find it all within a short drive. Manicured parks with fountains and gardens and rustic woods are both a hop, skip and jump away. Here is a list of some of my personal favorites. Some are no secret (as in you might be standing in a line of other photographers and clients waiting for the “hot spots”) but are dependable and often worth using again and again. You can find my business website with more of my work at:

Burr Oak Woods

Located in Blue Springs just off 7 Highway, Burr Oak Woods is a beautiful location year round. Always changing with the seasons and with an enormous variety of backgrounds, it is easy to use over and over still create unique and personal sessions. The Evergreen forest is extremely popular and beautiful in every season.

Things to note:

  • No pets are allowed at Burr Oak so this is not a location for pet sessions or family sessions that include Rover.
  • Burr Oak Woods occasionally holds “managed hunts”. During these hunts the park is closed to non-hunters. You can check their website or call their conservation center to check on scheduled hunt times
  • During peak photography times be prepared to work around other photographers and clients in the evergreen forest.

Lake Jacomo

Also located near Blue Springs, Lake Jacomo offers a wide variety of natural backgrounds and is a great location for those who are looking for a setting with water. The Marina offers docks, stairs, a blue “garage” door and some woods near the parking lot that have brilliant colored leaves in the fall. There is a second fishing dock in a cove that is a bit of a challenge to find if you aren’t familiar with the area but quieter and has a beautiful sidewalk that is tree lined on one side and the lake lines the other. There is also a great wooden staircase off of one of the shelter areas that leads to a tiny dock however it’s not always open to the public. I love scheduling to use sessions here but since it’s close to Burr Oak Woods, I also use it as a back-up location in case we arrive at Burr Oak and find it closed due to a managed hunt.

Things to note:

  • Finding locations in Fleming Park/Lake Jacomo can be tricky so it’s sometimes best for photographers and clients to meet somewhere nearby and follow each other to the locations you want to use.
  • Pet friendly!
  • Bring some carrots and feed the buffalo and elk while you are here.
  • Stop at the entrance off of Liggett Road for some good woodsy photos and occasionally hay bails

West Bottoms

The West Bottoms is easily one of the most popular “Urban” photography settings in Kansas City and with good reason. With colorful doorways, metal staircases, graffiti, rustic buildings and alleys full of brick and ivy around every corner, it is a fantastic place to find an overwhelming variety of backgrounds without even trying. Especially good for high school seniors, tweens and family sessions!

Things to Note:

  • Check for events such as “First Fridays” that may be taking place at the time of your session. It brings in big crowds and parking and keeping people out of the background can be difficult.
  • There are a ton of great backdrops in a small area but to get the most variety you will want to do some walking. Clients should bring some easy to slip on and off walking shoes if they might be wearing heels or uncomfortable shoes.
  • Set aside some time before or after the session for some shopping while you are there! There are so many great shops in the West Bottoms!

Crossroads Art District

If you are looking for graffiti, the Crossroads Art District takes it to a whole other level. The graffiti in the Art District is…well, art! Huge murals, “graffiti alley” and other random alleys with amazing artwork are a photographer (and some clients’) dream come true! There are even hanging twinkle lights and a cool old camper.

Things to Note:

  • This is another “walking” location so throw some comfy shoes or flip flops in a bag
  • There are great locations spread out here all the way from the bridge that goes to Union Station to the 18th and Oak St. area so you might plan to park and drive between them

Loose Park

If you are looking for someplace new and original for your photo session…well, Loose Park isn’t your place. This park is more full of photographers and clients than anything else on most days, but with good reason. Think… rose garden, fountains, ponds, bridges, weeping willows, flowering trees, stone walls, majestic trees…need I go on? It’s central location in Kansas City also puts it near many other great locations so if you are thinking of using multiple locations you might consider making this one of them!

Things to Note:

  • This is a BIG park. You can easily do an entire session around the rose garden if you are short on time or have clients who can’t walk far. But if you are wanting to hit all of the “hot spots”, be prepared to walk some.
  • Parking is limited. There is a parking lot off of Wornall and another small one off of 52nd. On really nice weekend days they fill up quickly.
  • Be prepared to wait your turn for the popular spots.

Belvoir Winery

Just South of Liberty, off of 291 Hwy you will find this hidden gem. Belvoir winery has a unique combination of nature and architectural elements that can be used for your photo session. It is a great spot for all types of sessions and the trees are beautiful in the fall. There is an open pasture and lots of green space surrounding the buildings and staircases, steps, ledges and all kinds of places on and around the main building for a great variety of posing!

Things to Note:

  • Belvoir Winery hosts several events including weddings. They don’t mind photographers as long as there is not a wedding scheduled. You can check the calendar on their website for scheduled weddings and events…including ghost tours!

Old Red Bridge

I have only been to this location once for a family session and it was a rainy day so we didn’t do too much exploring but I loved Old Red Bridge. It’s a fairly unique location and doesn’t seem to be overused. You can leave a “love lock” on the bridge while you are there. Perfect engagement session! There is a park nearby which provides some green space as well.

Things to Note:

  • Bring a lock!

Unity Village

Located just outside of Lee’s Summit, Unity Village offers beautiful fountains, a rose garden and amazing architecture. There are also trails around the buildings and lots of trees which provide green space or beautiful colors in the fall. They have recently implemented a policy requiring “commercial” photographers to purchase an “approved photographer badge” which is $100 for one day or $500 for the year. Their policy is a bit confusing since a commercial photographer is actually photography used to sell or market a product however on their site they have the following definition: *Unity considers a commercial photographer to be anyone providing photography services for a fee.

Things to Note:

  • You may be charged $100 to shoot here. If you do not have a badge, they will give you a warning. Second violation states they may press charges for trespassing.

Union Station

Unless you are a studio photographer, there aren’t a whole lot of indoor options around Kansas City for photography use. Most photographers and their clients end up at Union Station. During the holidays it is beautifully decorated and there are a lot of great spots for photos (as long as you are wanting a Christmas theme). They do charge for a permit but waive that fee between Thanksgiving and New Year. Their fee is a bit confusing. Here is their policy:


$75 facility fee. Our definition of “Formal” includes the occasions of weddings, engagements, graduations, and any event that includes more than 10 people. If the group is part of an event at Union Station, this fee is waived.


$25 facility fee. In the cases of Informal Photos being taken for private use, the fee is reduced. Our definition of “Informal” includes groups of less than 10 people (and waive it entirely between Thanksgiving and New Year).

Things to Note:

  • You may be charged a fee to shoot indoors here
  • Parking at Union Station is not free, however you can park at the Liberty Memorial for free and walk
  • During the holidays you will have a hard time finding areas that aren’t decorated for Christmas.

After your session is over, get those images off your computer and onto your walls with Canvas on Demand!

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