Tag Archives: guilt free snacks

10 Satisfying, Yummy, Guilt Free Snacks 100 Calories or less! WOW

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It’s obviously no secret that I am a huge fan of Noom. I can’t help it. It just makes sense. Depriving yourself completely of certain types of food just doesn’t make sense and isn’t sustainable long term. That’s why people are so successful with Noom. If you are heading to a birthday party and want a little cake…just fit it into your day! You literally can have your cake and eat it too! However, by reducing your calories and learning to in a way that is “caloric density friendly”, you are automatically going to make healthier choices and reduce the amount of things that aren’t great for you without really even having to think about it!

Snacks can be tricky though. When you have a craving or just need something to munch on, it’s important to have good choices on hand that satisfy and are quick and easy.

Here are my top 10 (+1) low calorie snacks that I keep on hand all the time.  They aren’t shockingly new or original, but they are easy, low-cal, realistic snacks that you can always count on.

Dill Pickle Spears. If you are Nooming you have probably found that there aren’t very many crunchy, salty snacks that aren’t in the Red category. Remember, red isn’t bad…it’s just not going to fill you up and if you are like me you like to save those red calories up for something special. Dill Pickle Spears are only 5 calories, have a nice crunch and satisfy salty cravings. I keep them on hand to use as a side for lunch instead of chips or for a mid-day snack!

2020-02-20_0007.jpg Green Grapes. Quick, easy, sweet, crisp and low cal. These are nature’s perfect grab and go sweet treat. I munch on them when I get a late-night craving for something sweet and want to do a little guilt free mindless munching or as a side for lunch. Try freezing them for a fun treat!  I also like to use my food scale and measure out 100 calorie baggies of them in the fridge. You CAN Noom without making logging a burden! I also keep a variety of berries in the fridge and and bananas and apples on the counter. Fruit is such a great snack or addition to any meal and I have found the the more accessible I keep healthy snacks, the more we make good choices!

2020-02-20_0008.jpg Hummus. I love hummus. It’s perfect to spread on a wrap, or as a side with some pita chips or for a lower calorie treat a bell pepper or other veggies. Do your research on brands though. One of the top brands which I frequently used in the past is very high in Sodium, Fat, And Preservatives. It also logs as red I believe (which again…is ok but there are yellow brands out there).

2020-02-20_0009.jpg So speaking of hummus…have you tried dessert hummus yet? I know, I know…it definitely sounds weird. But they are soooo yummy! This Brownie Batter is one of our favorites and goes great with fruit!


I love Better Oats Oatmeal. It’s not only a quick, easy, low-cal breakfast but it makes a great comfort snack on a cold day! I see a lot of Noomers Swearing by Steel Cut Oats but at only 100 calories, and less than 1g of sugar…not to mention the added flax seed and the convenience, these are my pick!

2020-02-20_0002.jpg Salsa. It’s Green! Before you go racing off to your favorite Mexican restaurant to dig in to the neverending chips and salsa, be clear that I am only speaking of the salsa…not the chips. Not to worry though. Slice up some bell peppers and dip away or spread some on the pepper slices and top with a little cheddar cheese for some low cal nachos!

Applesauce. These pouches will make you feel like (and maybe look like) a kid again. I keep these no sugar added pouches on hand for a quick and easy snack for all of us or to throw into lunches! We love the cherry flavor!

Sometimes you just need some cookies. These little 100 calorie packs of cookie crisps are a good choice. Eat the whole bag without calorie guilt and they aren’t loaded with sugar. I get these at Aldi.

A frozen dessert treat that is GREEN?!?! This frozen yogurt with no sugar added is pretty tasty and pretty guilt free! If you want to make it a little more exciting try adding some sliced bananas, Peanut Butter Powder and maybe a little brownie batter hummus!


The Official dessert of all Noomers. These things are so yummy that my whole family has fallen in love with them and we would choose to eat them even if we weren’t eating healthy. There are some really great flavors however I have found that most places only carry a couple and often have the same ones all the time so shop around and see what you can find at places you don’t normally grocery shop. They are a little pricey and you only get 4 in a box but they are so worth it.

Bonus snack.
I didn’t include this in my top 10 because it isn’t really a snack that is going to satisfy your hunger or fill you up and isn’t exactly “healthy”, but sometimes you just need chocolate. Real chocolate. I keep a bag of these dark chocolate Ghiradelli squares on hand for those times when I’m not hungry, I just want a little chocolate. At only 50 calories, they don’t blow the calorie budget and make mama happy.

These snacks are great for ANYONE trying to eat healthier, lose weight or be more fit but are all very Noom friendly as well.  If you have a few extra (or even a lot of extra) pounds you wouldn’t miss and haven’t given Noom a try yet, you can click on my affiliate link at the top of the home page for the two week trial!

Click here for a free two week trial of NOOM!
