Tag Archives: healthysnacks

Eating Healthy and Happy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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If you follow me on social media at all, you most likely know that I recently lost 40 pounds on the program Noom. I truly believe in the program so much for so many reasons and believe that it can drastically change ANYONE’S life. That is why I have partnered with them and left my comfort zone to share my story and knowledge in hopes that it will encourage others who want to lose weight or just make healthier eating choices to do so.

The Coronavirus pandemic has greatly affected everyone in some way, shape or form. Events have been canceled, schools are closing, and grocery stores are running out of many items. Whether you just started your healthy eating journey (Noom or otherwise) or you are a seasoned pro, you likely have noticed some new challenges. I am a member of a Facebook support group for people doing Noom and yesterday I saw a post by a member who said “I just don’t think I can stick with this, the shelves at the grocery stores are empty and it’s too hard”. That inspired me to write this post because there ARE unique challenges to healthy eating during all of this craziness. Frankly there are unique challenges to shopping and eating in general though so you might as well keep doing it in a healthy way.

My teenage daughter will love the use of these throwback photos, right?!

Grocery Shopping

  • BE FLEXIBLE Yes, the stores seem to be out of or very low on new things every day. Work with what they have. Produce does not have a long shelf life and therefore is not something people are drastically hoarding. People ARE shopping more often and buying a little more so you may not see some of your “go-to” fruits and veggies on the shelves. This is a great time to try some new things and think outside the box. Never had eggplant? Look up an eggplant parmesan recipe. Instead of being set in stone on your grocery list, see what the store DOES have and plan your meals around that.
  • THINK LONG-TERM Frozen foods and canned goods go quickly but honestly many of the carts I have seen jam-packed full aren’t exactly overflowing with healthy options. Lots of pizzas, ice cream and frozen appetizers and snacks. Yes, a lot of the common frozen and canned veggies are flying off the shelves but you can still find them. While I don’t encourage hoarding anything, buying an extra bag or two of frozen or canned veggies will provide some easy, healthy sides for meals. Frozen fruit is great to keep on hand to add to almond milk and greek yogurt to make a smoothie for breakfast, lunch or just a snack.
  • GO EARLY Our community has been great about updating on our local Facebook community page regarding the availability of heavily sought after items and it appears that most stores are doing a great job of restocking daily and seem to have those hard to find items early in the day.

Mindful Eating

With so many cancellations and closings you are most likely spending more long days at home. This can lead to mindless eating and eating out of boredom. Plan ahead for long days at home.

  • BREAKFAST Some say it’s the most important meal of the day, but I personally am not that hungry when I first get up. As long as I have my black coffee, I’m happy. I do try to eat a low calorie breakfast on most days because it sets the pace for the day and keeps me from feeling starved by lunchtime and overeating. I also like to know that I haven’t used up half a days worth of calories first thing and whatever the rest of the day throws at me, I can enjoy whether it be an impromptu meal out or a craving for an extra or special snack. If you enjoy a big breakfast and find yourself with the luxury of being able to sleep in due to canceled events, etc. maybe eat a little later and instead of breakfast and lunch, make a large brunch!
  • SNACK SMART Being at home can lead to the urge to snack. The more healthy and easy choices available, the easier it is to make good choices. Whether it’s a healthy choice like grapes, or a splurge like chips or crackers, one way to enjoy what feels like carefree snacking is to make some “pre-measured” snack baggies. I like to make 100 calorie baggies of grapes or “serving size” baggies of snack crackers handy for grab and go snacks that prevent overindulging. There are lots of store-bought snack options that are great to keep on hand too. Pre-packaged 100 calorie snacks and things like “no sugar added” applesauce (only 40 calories!) have a long shelf life and are easy to grab from the pantry when the urge to snack strikes.


Spending more time at home means eating more meals at home. There are ways to do this without having to double the amount of groceries you buyg though.

  • MAKE YOUR MEALS STRETCH When planning your meals for the week, think about some dishes you make that always provide leftovers. Leftovers are great for heating up for lunch or maybe adding to another dish to make another dinner. Consider doubling a recipe to make enough to freeze and pull out for a quick and easy meal later.
  • TAKE INVENTORY Go through your pantry, freezer and fridge. What items do you have in there that you can use to create meals from? Using up things you already have keeps your cost and need to go out for more groceries down. There are even several websites like supercook.com where you can type in ingredients that you have on hand and it will provide you with recipes to make from them.


If there is one thing that all of this craziness has actually provided most of us with MORE of, it is time. With two kiddos in three sports we typically have at least 2-3 sport events every weekend and practices every evening and are finding ourselves with extra time. That is good news for Exercise! While you may be stuck at home with kiddos and it can be easy to hang out on Netflix in your pajamas all day (and if you never get to do that…you absolutely should at least once) but you can also get out for a walk or jog. Play “Just Dance” or shoot some hoops in the drive with the kids. Do some exercises in the comfort of your own home. If you are able to leave, go to the gym. I’m a member of Planet Fitness and have debated how I feel about going to a place where multiple people have touched everything, however if you think about it, it’s the one place where everything gets wiped down after every use! (Hopefully…although it may be a good idea to wipe down before and after just to be sure).

Before Noom
After Noom!!!


Now is actually the perfect time to take charge of your weight, diet and health. I truly believe Noom is the best way to do that. It not only will help you lose weight but re-learn how to eat in a way that is healthy but doesn’t deprive you from the things you love or enjoying celebrations with friends and family so it’s something you can do realistically for life! You can click on my affiliate link below to see YOUR plan and try it risk free for two weeks (and most likely at least lose 5 pounds in that two weeks). You will do things like track your weight and log your meals so there is a bit of a new routine to figure out which makes the extra time you probably have right now the PERFECT time to get started!

Aldi Faves: What I buy at Aldi

I love Aldi. I love having (almost) everything I need in just a few aisles. I love not having 99 different brands and variations of every item on my list to decide between. I love that they cut their business expenses (and pass the savings on to their consumers) with their “bring your own bag” system. This system not only reduces their expenses greatly by not having to purchase bags but it also encourages re-usable shopping bags which is great for the environment! Also you don’t get home to unload your groceries and realize you have 50 bags because there is only 1 item in half of them. I love the no-nonsense way the cashiers slide my items across the scanner an into my cart for me to bag myself which saves me time, allows me to bag the way I want and saves them from paying a bagger. I love that Aldi uses their “rent” a cart for a quarter system which encourages people to take their carts back up to the store themselves to get their quarter back (and also encourages getting more steps in their day…Happy Accident!). This not only eliminates the need of yet another employee to retrieve carts, but I also see people being so kind to one another every trip by passing their carts on to another shopper in the parking lot (which also saves them a trip up to the store to return it so win/win) but also refusing to take that person’s quarter.

Most of the time I can’t, or choose not to, get everything on my list at Aldi and end up heading to the big grocery store nearby afterwards for a few items. But because of all of the reasons listed above it’s still worth it to me to start at Aldi and I kind of make it a game to see just how much of my list I can accomplish there. Another thing I love about Aldi is they have a lot of healthy choices. I love to see what treasures I will find each trip and love sharing those finds.

One thing I think is super important in maintaining healthy eating is not feeling deprived. Not only is this crucial to make eating healthy a lifestyle rather than just a diet, but life is just too short. There definitely is the occasional sweet tooth in our home so I like to keep some choices on hand that aren’t completely full of sugar but will satisfy that craving.
This most recent trip I found these Coconut Cashew Crisps in Sea Salt Caramel flavor. These were yummy and like light little cookies. A serving size is 8 pieces and 160 calories but I think 4 pieces is plenty to satisfy most sweet tooth moments which makes a sweet treat for under 100 calories and only 4g of sugar. They also have 3g of protein.

My kids also love these Freeze Dried Strawberries. They are tasty but if you are seriously hungry they are not going to fill up your belly. As a matter of fact when you pick up the bag it somehow even feels lighter than empty. How is that even possible? Also 1 serving size is the whole bag which is a lot (but again won’t really make you full). It does mean that you can do some mindless eating with these though and even if you polish off the bag it’s only 130 calories. The downside is that would be 21g of sugar though so I recommend just a few.
2020-01-25_0002.jpg These 100 calorie packages of little cookies are fun to sometimes throw in lunches. At 7g of sugar I can pack these as a fun surprise every once in a while without too much guilt.

One of the first things I grab every Aldi trip (because it’s the first thing I see when I walk in the door, but also a favorite) is fruit. I have found the day you shop will determine how good the variety is. One recent trip was obviously the day before produce deliveries and there wasn’t much in stock and what was left was over-ripe or even moldy. But most of the time I have better luck with their produce than the big stores and the price is almost always better. I love their berries and packages of sliced mangos. I also love grabbing some dessert hummus to dip it in as a little extra treat for those sweet tooth moments!

For “non-sweet” snacking I like these Butternut Squash crackers. I often throw a serving of these (about 44 crackers…they are small) into my lunch. For my Noom friends, you know how easy it is to feel like you can’t eat anything crunchy, but remember…NOTHING is off limits and although these are still in the Red catagory, only 100 calories for 44 crackers is a good way to add a little crunch to your life.2020-01-25_0011.jpg
I almost always grab some of these guacamole singles on an Aldi trip. My kids pack them in lunches with corn chips, we put them out to add to turkey tortilla soup, and I use them for avacado bread in the morning (although that only requires about 1/4 of one of these so unless you are making it for several people the big tub is probably better since it can be re-sealed.
2020-01-25_0010.jpg These flatbreads are great for wraps and only 90 calories. I like to use them with some thin sliced turkey, swiss, lettuce and a little mustard.2020-01-25_0008.jpg I grabbed these little egg rolls on my last trip but haven’t tried them yet. I think they will cook up nice and quickly in the air fryer and make a low-cal lunch. 3 of them is only 18 calories!